



From 09/12/2021 to 10/11/2021


09:04 AM Document: Dynamic assurance with ReSonAte

This video presents a real-time hazard rate calculation​ with ReSonAte framework based on a CP2 thruster degradation ...

Daniel Stojcsics
09:00 AM dynamic_assurance_with_resonate.mp4

Daniel Stojcsics


12:56 PM Document: VU FLS LEC with AM

This video presents the VU FLS LEC (LSTM noise filtering LEC) with VAE Assurance Monitor.
This LEC is using the FLS ...

Daniel Stojcsics
12:53 PM vu_fls_lec_am.mp4

Daniel Stojcsics
12:51 PM Document: CP4_01 Obstacle close to waypoint

This simulation presents a waypoint following scenario, where a static obstacle is detected close to waypoint #3. UUV...

Daniel Stojcsics
12:46 PM Document: CP4_02 Wall obstacle

This simulation presents a waypoint following scenario, with a wide "wall" obstacle. UUV avoids the obstacle and retu...

Daniel Stojcsics
12:45 PM cp4_wall_xte.mp4

Daniel Stojcsics
12:44 PM Document: CP4_05 Random waypoints

This simulation presents a waypoint following scenario where the waypoints are randomly generated. Cross track error ...

Daniel Stojcsics
12:43 PM cp4_05_random.mp4

Daniel Stojcsics
12:41 PM Document: CP4 Flight Data Recorder (search and rescue)

This simulation presents a waypoint following scenario, with a Flight Data Recorder spawned inside the waypoints cove...

Daniel Stojcsics
12:39 PM cp4_03_fdr_obstacles.mp4

Daniel Stojcsics
12:39 PM Document: CP2 Thruster Degradations

These videos are presenting a CP2 Thruster Degradation scenario with Fault Detection, Isolation and control Reallocat...

Daniel Stojcsics
12:34 PM cp2_fdir_r3.mp4


Daniel Stojcsics
12:33 PM cp2_degradation.mp4


Daniel Stojcsics
12:20 PM Document: BlueROV failsafe scenarios

CP1_01: Geofence RTH

This simulation presents a pipe tracking scenario with Geofence failsafe and Return To Home (...

Daniel Stojcsics
12:18 PM cp1_01.mp4

CP1_01: geofence_rth

Daniel Stojcsics
12:18 PM cp1_05.mp4

CP1_05: Multiple Failsafes

Daniel Stojcsics
12:16 PM Document: CP1 Pipe mapping with Obstacle avoidance (CP1_00)

This simulation presents a pipe tracking scenario, default parameters and high battery level with static box obstacle...

Daniel Stojcsics
12:10 PM cp1_00.mp4

Daniel Stojcsics
12:08 PM Document: Fault-Adaptive Autonomy in Systems with Learning-Enabled Components

Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) must be robust against potential failure modes, including physical degradatio...

Daniel Stojcsics
12:08 PM sensors-21-06089-v2(1).pdf

Daniel Stojcsics
12:04 PM Document: Behaviour Tree complex example with BlueROV2 UUV

Behaviour Tree complex example with RQT for behaviour trees, RViz and PlotJuggler in the ALC Toolchain

This vid...

Daniel Stojcsics
11:54 AM btree_complex_example.mp4

Daniel Stojcsics
11:51 AM Document: Launching scenarios in headless mode using ALC Toolchain

This is an example how to use the ALC Toolchain and run example scenarios in headless mode. Also presents how to plot...

Daniel Stojcsics
11:43 AM headless.mp4

Daniel Stojcsics
11:42 AM Document: Working with the IDE in ALC Toolchain

This video presents a step-by-step example how to work with the IDE in the ALC Toolchain running cp1_02 and cp1_03 sc...

Daniel Stojcsics
11:37 AM working_with_ide_in_alc.mp4

Daniel Stojcsics

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