


BlueROV failsafe scenarios


CP1_01: Geofence RTH

This simulation presents a pipe tracking scenario with Geofence failsafe and Return To Home (RTH).
With use_behaviour_tree = true, the autonomy is controlled by a BT based logic in the ALC Toolchain.
When the UUV reaches maximum distance from Home Position (Geofence = 50m), the UUV activates Geofence failsafe and command Return To Home (RTH).
When UUV reaches home position, it emerges to the surface in a helix.
Obstacle avoidance is enabled by default during the whole mission.

CP1_05: Multiple Failsafes

This simulation presents a pipe tracking scenario, with multiple failsafes. Battery based rth is off for this simulation (`failsafe_rth_enable = false`)
With use_behaviour_tree = true, the autonomy is controlled by a BT based logic in the ALC Toolchain.
UUV starts pipe tracking mission with 30% battery level. Obstacles will spawn ahead of UUV and UUV starts obstacle avoidance maneuver. After avoiding the first one, Geofence (100m) failsafe will trigger, and UUV turns back to home. During RTH, battery critically low threshold (15%) will be reached before UUV arrives home. UUV goes to the surface in a helix - close to the first obstacle, while obstacle avoidance is active.




cp1_05.mp4 (35.7 MB) cp1_05.mp4 CP1_05: Multiple Failsafes Daniel Stojcsics, 10/05/2021 12:18 PM
cp1_01.mp4 (28.3 MB) cp1_01.mp4 CP1_01: geofence_rth Daniel Stojcsics, 10/05/2021 12:18 PM