



From 06/12/2021 to 07/11/2021


01:24 PM Assurance-based Learning-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems Document: Assuring Learning-Enabled Components in Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Krishna Muvva, Justin M. Bradley, Marilyn Wolf, Taylor T. Johnson, "Assuring Learning-Enabled Compon...

01:22 PM Assurance-based Learning-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems Document: Verification of Neural Network Compression of ACAS Xu Lookup Tables with Star Set Reachability

Diego Manzanas Lopez, Taylor T. Johnson, Hoang-Dung Tran, Stanley Bak, Xin Chen, Kerianne Hobbs, "Verification of Neu...


01:13 PM Assurance-based Learning-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems Document: Reachable Set Estimation for Neural Network Control Systems: A Simulation-Guided Approach

Weiming Xiang, Hoang-Dung Tran, Xiaodong Yang, Taylor T. Johnson, "Reachable Set Estimation for Neural Network Contro...

01:12 PM Assurance-based Learning-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems Document: Robustness Verification of Semantic Segmentation Neural Networks using Relaxed Reachability

Hoang-Dung Tran, Neelanjana Pal, Patrick Musau, Xiaodong Yang, Nathaniel P. Hamilton, Diego Manzanas Lopez, Stanley B...

09:56 AM Assurance-based Learning-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems Document: Detection of Dataset Shifts in Learning-Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems using Variational Autoencoder for Regression

Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) use learning-enabled components (LECs) extensively to cope with various complex tasks u...

Dimitrios Boursinos
09:55 AM Assurance-based Learning-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems VAE4RegressionFeiyangAli.pdf

Dimitrios Boursinos
11:39 PM Assurance-based Learning-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems Document: Assurance monitoring of learning-enabled cyber-physical systems using inductive conformal prediction based on distance learning

Machine learning components such as deep neural networks are used extensively in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Howeve...

Dimitrios Boursinos
11:39 PM Assurance-based Learning-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems Assurance_AIEDAM_Dimitrios.pdf

Dimitrios Boursinos


12:37 PM Assurance-based Learning-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems Document: Deep-RBF Networks for Anomaly Detection in Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are widely used in automotive Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) to implement autonomy related ...

Shreyas Ramakrishna
12:36 PM Assurance-based Learning-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems Deep-RBF.pdf

Arxiv copy (Paper to appear at Smartcomp 2021)

Shreyas Ramakrishna
12:34 PM Assurance-based Learning-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems Document: ReSonAte: A Runtime Risk Assessment Framework for Autonomous Systems

Hazard analysis and assurance cases are well-established approaches for assessing the safety of cyber-physical system...

Shreyas Ramakrishna
12:33 PM Assurance-based Learning-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems Resonate.pdf

Arxiv Copy (Paper Accepted at SEAMS 2021)

Shreyas Ramakrishna

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